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Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Half of rebel general George Pickett's men fell or were captured on the last day of the Battle of Gettysburg, and nearly all of his officers were casualties.  When General Lee ordered Pickett to regroup his division, Pickett retorted, "General Lee, I have no division now." He never forgave Lee for the loss of his men.

On the fourth of July 1863, the Army of General Robert E. Lee limped out of Gettysburg, PA and headed back to the South. Historians can spin it whichever side they favor and a rare few will tell the truth of that Battle. 

Truth is on July 3, 1863, the Day of Pickett’s [and others] Charge at the end of the day—plain and simple: General Robert E. Lee got his ass kicked. It don’t matter a whit who’s fault it was—on that day Lee got whipped.  From Hagerstown on July 11, 1863, General Lee issued General Order #16 putting on paper Lee's order to retreat back to the South--never to return to the United States of America. 

Shame on the naysayers who insist Lee won at Gettysburg and Trump won the 2020 election. How weary we who know better are at the unrelenting ignorance shown by the blathering blowhards. History doesn’t lie. People do. 

From the National Park Service Historical Study, 1954: "Late on the afternoon of July 4, Lee began an orderly retreat. The wagon train of wounded, 17 miles in length, guarded by Imboden's cavalry, started homeward through Greenwood and Greencastle. At night, the able-bodied men marched over the Hagerstown Road by way of Monterey Pass to the Potomac..."

For more on the Retreat find on Amazon the following text:

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