By Captain Isaac N. Johnston, Company H, Sixth Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, United States Army. Source: This excerpt is from the public domain via Gutenberg E-books. For the complete work click “"Four Months in Libby.”
Four / Tunnels of Failure
During our trip from
Chickamauga to Richmond in the Fall of 1863, the weather was clear and
beautiful, but the nights were cold, and many of us, having lost our blankets,
suffered much; for, in addition to the want of our usual covering, we were
hungry nearly all the time.
of the cities and towns through which we passed presented a pleasing
appearance; but the country, for the most part, had a desolate look; few men
were to be seen, save such as were too old for service, and the farming
operations bore marks of neither care nor skill.
officer who had the prisoners in charge was kind and gentlemanly, and rendered
our situation as agreeable as was possible under the circumstances; that we
suffered for food was no fault of his, and when we were turned over to the
authorities at Richmond we parted from him with a feeling akin to regret.
the private soldiers were sent to Belle Isle, a place, which has become
infamous on account of the cruel treatment to which they were subjected; but
the officers had quarters assigned them in Libby Prison.
being shown to our apartments we were requested to give up our money and
valuables, under the assurance that they should be returned when we were
exchanged; at the same time we were given to understand that we should be
searched, and whatever was then found in our possession would be confiscated.
all gave up what they had; some secreted a portion, which was found to be clear
gain, as those of us who escaped had not time to call for our money and watches
before leaving for the Federal lines.
now world-famous building presents none of the outward characteristics of a
prison, having been used in peaceful days as a warehouse; but none of the
castles and dungeons of Europe, century old though they be, have a stranger or
sadder history than this.
many a heart has been wrung, many a spirit broken, many a noble soul has there
breathed out its last sigh, and hundreds who yet survive will shrink in their
dreams, or shudder in their waking moments, when faithful memory brings back
the scenes enacted within its fearful walls.
building is of brick, with a front of near one hundred and forty feet, and one
hundred feet deep. It is divided into nine rooms; the ceilings are low, and
ventilation imperfect; the windows are barred, through which the windings of
James River and the tents of Belle Isle may be seen. Its immediate surroundings
are far from being agreeable; the sentinels pacing the streets constantly are
unpleasant reminders that your stay is not a matter of choice; and were it so,
few would choose it long as a boarding-house.
this building were crowded about one thousand officers of nearly every grade,
not one of whom was permitted to go out till exchanged or released by death. To
men accustomed to an active life this mode of existence soon became exceedingly
irksome, and innumerable methods were soon devised to make the hours pass less
penknife was made to do the duty of a complete set of tools, and it was
marvelous to see the wonders achieved by that single instrument. Bone-work of
strange device, and carving most elaborate, chessmen, spoons, pipes, all manner
of articles, useful and ornamental, were fashioned by its aid alone. If a man's
early education had been neglected, ample opportunities were now afforded to
become a proficient scholar. The higher branches of learning had their
professor; the languages, ancient and modern, were taught; mathematics received
much attention; morals and religion were cared for in Bible classes, while the
ornamental branches, such as dancing, vocal music, and sword exercise, had had
their teachers and pupils.
few colleges in the land could boast of a faculty so large in number or varied
in accomplishments, and none, certainly, could compare in the number of pupils.
truth must be told; the minds of many of those grown-up, and, in some
instances, gray-headed pupils, were not always with their books; their minds,
when children, wandered from the page before them to the green fields, to
streams abounding in fish, or pleasant for bathing; or to orchards, with fruit
most inviting; but now the mind wandered in one direction—home.
were deeply engaged in the mysteries of "poker" and
"seven-up," and betting ran high; but they were bets involving
neither loss or gain, and the winner of countless sums would often borrow a
teaspoon full of salt or a pinch of pepper. Games of chess were played, which,
judging from the wary and deliberate manner of the players, and the interest
displayed by lookers-on, were as intricate and important as a military
campaign; nor were the sports of children—jack-straws and mumble-peg—wanting;
every device, serious and silly, was employed to hasten the slow hours along.
amid all these various occupations, there was one that took the precedence and
absorbed all others—that was planning an escape. The exploits of Jack Sheppard,
Baron Trenck, and the hero of Monte Cristo were seriously considered, and plans
superior to theirs concocted, some of them characterized by skill and cunning,
others by the energy of despair.
of these was as follows: After the arrival of the Chickamauga prisoners, a plot
was made which embraced the escape of all confined in Libby, and the release of
all the prisoners in and about Richmond. The leader in this enterprise was a
man of cool purpose and great daring; and success, I doubt not, would have
attended the effort had it not been that we had traitors in our midst who put
the rebel authorities on the alert only a few days before the attempt was to
have been made.
it is true, have no right to expect abundant and delicious fare; but when the
rations served out to rebel prisoners in our hands are compared with the
stinted and disgusting allowance of Union prisoners in rebel hands, a
truly-generous and chivalrous people would blush at the contrast. It is not
saying too much to assert that many of the rebel prisoners, from the poorer
portions of Georgia, South Carolina, and Mississippi, have, at least, as good
fare, and as much of it, as they ever enjoyed at home, and much better than the
army rations which they were accustomed to before capture; while it is equally
true that the Union prisoners have been compelled to subsist on a diet loathsome
in quality, and in a quantity scarcely sufficient to support life.
it may be urged that the scarcity of provisions in Richmond, and elsewhere,
rendered it out of the question to remedy this to any great extent; but all
candid men will decide that no army could be kept, in the physical condition of
Gen. Lee's, upon a Libby ration; and if such a miracle as that were possible,
it would not justify the denial to prisoners of the Union army the provisions
that the United States were ever ready to furnish their own men while prisoners
in an enemy's hands, much less the appropriation of the stores sent to those
sufferers by benevolent associations and sympathizing friends.
vast quantities of food and clothing sent to our prisoners has been thus
diverted from its object, is susceptible of the clearest proof. If it be asked,
how can a people, professing to be civilized, act thus? The answer is simply,
that the war, as far as the South is concerned, is a rebellion. The Libby
ration nominally consisted of about ten ounces of corn bread—of meal just as it
came from the mill—beef, and rice; but really less often than this; for it
often took two rations of beef to make a single tolerable meal, and frequently
we would fail to get any beef for from one to eight days; at such times we
would receive sweet or Irish potatoes; and I state the case very mildly when I
say the food was at all times insufficient.
wood for cooking purposes we had a very small allowance; and during the
Christmas holidays we had to burn our tables in attempting to make palatable
dishes out of very scanty and unpalatable materials. One thing, however, we did
not lack; the James River was near at hand, and we had plenty of water; it was
brought by means of pipes into each room; and had it possessed any very
nutritious properties, we might have fattened.
must do the officers of the prison the justice to say, that as long as we did
not violate the rules of the house, they permitted us to enjoy ourselves in any
way that suited our taste. Prayer meetings and debating societies were
tolerated, laughter and song in certain hours were not prohibited, and bad as
our condition was, it might have been even worse.
first plan of escape being thwarted, no time was lost in devising another,
which, after many delays and interruptions of a very discouraging character,
was finally crowned with success. Captain Hamilton, of the 12th Kentucky
Cavalry, was the author of the plan, which he confided to Maj. Fitzsimmons, of
the 30th Indiana, Capt. Gallagher, of the 2d Ohio, and a third person, whose
name it would not be prudent to mention, as he was recaptured. I greatly regret
to pass him by with this brief allusion, as he had a very prominent part in the
work from the beginning, and deserves far more credit than I have language to
this, however, is one of the most wonderful escapes on record, when its
complete history is written he will not be forgotten. John Morgan's escape from
the Ohio Penitentiary has been thought to have suggested our plan, and to have
equaled it in ingenuity and risk. His difficulties, however, ended when he
emerged from the tunnel by which he escaped, while ours may be said to have only
begun when we reached the free air, and every step till we reached the Union
lines was fraught with great danger.
Capt. Hamilton's plans had been entrusted to and adopted by the gentlemen above
named, a solemn pledge was taken to reveal them none of the others, and at an
early date in December, 1863, the work was begun.
order to a perfect understanding of it, a more minute description of the
building is necessary. It is not far from 140 feet by 110, three stories high,
and divided into three departments by heavy brick walls.
divisions were occupied as follows: The two upper east rooms by the Potomac
officers, the two middle upper rooms by those captured at Chickamauga, the two
west upper rooms by the officers of Col. Streight's and Gen. Milroy's command;
the lower room of the east division was used as a hospital, the lower middle
room for a cook and dining-room, and the lower west is divided into several
apartments which were occupied by the rebel officers in command.
is also a cellar under each of these divisions; the east cellar was used for
commissary stores, such as meal, turnips, fodder, and straw—the latter article
was of vast benefit in effecting our escape. The rear and darker part of the
middle cellar was cut up into cells, to which were consigned those of our
number who were guilty of infractions of the rules of prison—dungeons dark and
horrible beyond description.
portion of it in front was used as a workshop, and the west cellar was used for
cooking the rations of private soldiers who were confined in other buildings,
and as quarters[58] for some negro captives who were kept to do the drudgery of
the prison.
the plan was to dig out, it became necessary to find a way into the east
cellar, from which to begin our tunnel, which was accomplished as follows:
the north end of the dining room was a fireplace, around which three large
cooking stoves were arranged. In this fireplace the work began. The bricks were
skillfully taken out, and through this aperture a descent to the east cellar
was effected.
part of the work was entrusted to Captains Hamilton and Gallagher, who were
both house-builders, and in their hands it was a perfect success. The only
tools used were pocketknives; consequently their progress was slow, and 15
nights elapsed before the place was reached where the tunnel was to begin. The
stoves mentioned above aided greatly in the prosecution of the work, screening
the operators from observation. Immediately in front of them the prisoners had
a dancing party nearly every night, and the light of their tallow candles made
the stoves throw a dark shadow over the entrance to the newly-opened way to the
cellar, and the mirth of the dancers drowned any slight noise that might be
made by the working party.
skill was necessary in order to reach the cellar after the opening was made;
and on one occasion one of the party stuck fast, and was released only by great
efforts on the part of his associates. Though
fortunate enough to escape detection in this instance, and afterward to reach
the free air, he was recaptured and taken back to a confinement more
intolerable than before.
cellar being reached, a thorough examination was made in order to decide upon a
route, which would be most favorable for our escape; and it was determined to
make an attempt in the rear of a cook-room, which was in the south-east corner
of the cellar. The plan was to dig down and pass under the foundation, then
change the direction and work parallel with the wall to a large sewer that
passes down Canal-street, and from thence make our escape. The attempt was
accordingly made; but it was soon discovered that the building rested upon
ponderous oak timbers, below which they could not penetrate. Determined to
succeed, they began the seemingly-hopeless task of cutting through these;
pocket-knives and saws made out of case-knives were the only available tools;
and when this, after much hard labor, was effected, they were met by an
unforeseen and still more serious difficulty.
began to flow into the tunnel; a depth below the level of the canal had been
reached, and sadly they were compelled to abandon the undertaking. A second
effort was made; a tunnel was started in the rear of the cook-room mentioned
above, intended to strike a small sewer which started from the south-east
corner, and passing through the outer wall to the large sewer in front.
16 or 18 feet brought the tunnel under a brick furnace, in which were built
several large kettles used in making soup for prisoners. This partially caved
in, and fear of discovery caused this route to be abandoned.
a determination to succeed, which no difficulty could weaken or disappointment
overcome, another attempt, far more difficult than the preceding, was made. A
portion of the stone floor of the cook-room was taken up, and the place
supplied by a neatly-fitting board, which could be easily removed; and through
this the working party descended every night.
plan was to escape by the sewer leading from the kitchen, but it was not large
enough for a man to pass through; but as the route seemed preferable to any
other, it was determined to remove the plank with which it was lined; and this
out of the way, the tunnel or aperture would be sufficiently large.
old knives and saws were called for, and the work of removing the plank was
continued for several days with flattering success, till it was concluded that
another hour's work would enable us to enter the large sewer in front, into
which this led, and thus escape. So strong was the conviction that the work
would be completed in a little time, that all who knew the work was going on
made preparation to escape on the night of the 26th of January. After working
on the night of the 25th, two men were left down in the cellar to cover up all
traces of the work during the day, and as soon as it was dark to complete the
work—to go into the large sewer, explore it, and have every thing ready by
eight or nine o'clock, at which time the bricks would be removed from the hole
leading into the cellar, which had to be placed carefully in their original
position every night, from the beginning to the completion of the work.
the last brick was removed, a rope ladder, which had been prepared for the
occasion, was passed down and made fast to a bar of iron, placed across the
front of the fireplace. Now came long moments of breathless silence and
agonizing suspense, all waiting for the assurance from one of the men below
that all was ready.
came at last; but, alas! his first whisper was, "bad news, bad news;"
and bad news, indeed, it proved. It was found that the remaining portion of the
plank to be removed was oak, two inches thick, and impossible to be removed by
the tools, which had heretofore been used; moreover, the water was rapidly
finding its way into the tunnel, and all the labor expended had been in vain.
feelings of that little band who can describe!—from hopes almost as bright as
reality they were suddenly plunged into the depths of despair.
all the work above mentioned was performed by Captains Hamilton and Gallagher,
Maj. Fitzsimmons, and another officer. As a natural consequence, they were
worn-out by excessive labor, anxiety, and loss of sleep, that being the 39th
night of unremitting toil. They were, however, still unconquered in spirit, and
declared that another attempt must be made as soon as they were sufficiently
recruited to enter upon it.
fellows! Hard had they toiled for liberty, and it came at last.
Tunnel Notes:
told, 109 men made that lonely crawl before the chimney hole was closed for the
The escape was found out the next day
at roll call. Cavalry, police, and bloodhounds were immediately sent out in
search of the escaped men. At least four were recaptured the very next day, two
captains and two lieutenants.
Eventually the Confederates were able
to recapture 52 of the Union officers, but 57 others safely reached Union
lines. Captain Isaac N. Johnston was one of these lucky souls. He is listed as
rejoining the 6th Kentucky before the war ended.
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