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Sunday, September 10, 2023


 Tom Shess, a former San Diego Magazine and SD Home & Garden and North Park News top editor, started writing his first novel, Cantina Psalms on January 1, 1985. 

 FINALLY, it's now on online book sites in paperback and E-book formats--worldwide.

What took so long? 

His answer: “Wrote the book in a month and it has taken 35 years to edit the %$#% thing.” 

 Shess claims Cantina Psalms is Gatsby with Grit a rapid-paced collection of urban noir.  These tightly woven connected short stories are deep with crime, erotic love,  and ironic social satire.  Set in San Francisco's gritty North Beach neighborhood, the action involves a cast of not-soon-to-be-forgotten characters, who have an uncanny ability to get in and out of trouble--almost unscathed  (Author was also Editor of San Francisco Magazine and kept vivid notes). 

 Cantina Psalms can be found on a nationwide indie bookstore: 

 Or, Amazon, Barnes & Noble et al. E-book, too.

Author narrowly escapes being crushed like an ant in a crosswalk by Metro Bus in San Francisco's notorious North Beach neighborhood.

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