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Sunday, May 12, 2019


Playa del Carmen near Cancun, Mexico
In 2017, John P. Darcy lost his wife to a heart attack while she was at work.  She never regained consciousness.  Her death was doubly tragic for Darcy, a magazine writer and their son Dashiell, now age four, because Kit Darcy was 23 months pregnant.  Despite valiant medical team efforts both died.

Vogue magazine posted Darcy’s moving personal essay on Mother’s Day: “A Letter to My Late Wife on Mother’s Day.”

It is obvious from reading the author’s words he has a special and enduring relationship with the memory of his wife.  This year’s essay is a reflection on how he is coping while raising a small child.

It is a well written and extremely touching essay.  It comes on the heels of  two other in mourning essays, including last year’s “A Letter to My Son on Father’s Day,” also in Vogue and also penned by John Darcy.  This year’s essay read by itself is remarkable.  When coupled with the other essays in his trilogy it is an overdose.

At the end of this year’s essay there are links to Darcy’s other works on the topic.  To get there click here.

We all suffer loss at various times in our lives.  So many are single parents.  One hopes that by next year his annual memorial essay will read: “Dash and I have moved on.” 

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