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Monday, June 27, 2022


GUEST BLOG / By Bill Penzey
--As much as our bodies have evolved to really-really enjoy things that are sugar-coated, there’s no point in sugar-coating the impact of the attack on America and our values committed by the ultra rightwing judges of the Supreme Court this past Friday. 

The damage they have done is immense and won’t be easily solved. If it would do any good I would cry for our country, for women, for Black lives, for LGBTQ+ plus people, and for everyone else being forced to live on the edge of acceptance. But tears won’t solve this. 

The truth is this just sucks, but together we will make this right. The vast majority of Americans want sensible gun laws, women to have control over their bodies, and for every American to be able to marry the person they love. These can only happen if we vote to keep those who would take away our rights out of office. 

 The path forward starts now. 

It won’t be easy, but it will matter. 

And we’re Cooks, we wouldn’t actually know what to do with easy. What starts tonight with finally being done having any respect for a political party that would overthrow our democracy or seize control of women’s bodies ends with America arriving at truly being that far more perfect union our founders imagined. 

We have years ahead of us to achieve this. It will be time well spent and none of us will be doing this alone. Together we will make the difference. 

And it is a long road ahead of us, but it’s a good road and none of us will have to travel it alone. As a Cook you belong to an amazing community of people who care about whoever is hungry, whoever is in need. 

Yes, we have years of commitment ahead of us to restore the equality stolen from all of us by the “Supreme” Court this past week. But these will be years well spent and along the way we can still enjoy our lives, the seasons, friendship, family, and lots of tasty food. Caring about others isn’t a sacrifice, it’s what makes life worth living. Together we will get this done and America and the world will be better for it. Thank you for reading and cooking. 

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