NEXT?--SOHO urges the City Council
to move ahead with an alternate project that both removes parking from the
Plaza de Panama and respects the integrity of the park and its own Municipal
Code and land use plans.

The ruling could not be more clear. Without the
damaging features of the Plaza de Panama project, would the historic Cabrillo
Bridge and California Quadrangle still have a reasonable beneficial use? As a
visit to the park any day of the week makes clear, the answer is most
definitely yes! The marvels of the well-loved park are enjoyed by thousands of
San Diegans and international visitors every week.
So what's
next for the Plaza de Panama?
Council President Todd Gloria is now pursuing two alternate paths, according to
a news release from his office. One is to set aside the City's July 2012
approval of the Plaza de Panama project's Centennial Bridge and simply remove
it from the Balboa Park Master Plan and Central Mesa Precise Plan. SOHO
supports that option as it would cure the Code violation and protect the park's
historic qualities and National Register status.
The second option is to amend the Municipal Code to
exempt the project from its protective terms. The City Council would attempt to
cure its "unreasonable" violations of the Code by eviscerating the
SOHO's attorney, Susan Brandt-Hawley explains what
that would mean: "The strong provisions of the City's own ordinances are
there to protect historic landmarks for the people of San Diego. The Code is
not a 'technicality' and should be respected. It logically requires that
landmarks not be substantially harmed unless necessary. The Code also requires
that projects must adhere to key provisions of the City's adopted land use
SOHO trusts that no member of the City Council will
choose to weaken or avoid such important protections and goals for a City asset
as magnificent as Balboa Park, when there are many alternatives. And doing so
would not resolve further legal problems relating to land use plan
inconsistencies, because the Plaza de Panama project violates other sections of
the Municipal Code.
For example, the Code requires that the project not
adversely impact land use plans. The project EIR concedes, and the
City Council agreed, that the project has significant impacts due to
inconsistencies with the City's General Plan Urban Design Element,
Historic Preservation Element, and Recreation Element.
In relevant part, the General Plan requires that
"all City-owned designated historical resources" be "maintained
consistent with" the Secretary of the Interior's Standards -
the federal rules governing alteration of important historic properties. The
City and the project EIR both concede that the Plaza de Panama project does not
follow mandatory Secretary's Standards 2 and 9. The project is
also undeniably inconsistent with the Balboa Park Master Plan and Central Mesa
Precise Plan. Those two plans direct removal of parking from the Plaza de
Panama without a bypass bridge.
Judge Taylor's ruling did not address the Code's mandate
against adverse impacts on land use plans. Since the project permit required by
the Municipal Code must now be set aside because the City "abused its
discretion," the judge ruled that it was "not necessary" at this
point to address the other Code violations alleged by SOHO. Courts generally
rule on the narrowest possible ground to resolve a case. But these additional
blatant violations also prevent the project's reapproval.
SOHO further notes that Municipal Code violations
are not the only legal impediment to the Plaza de Panama project, as there is a
pending case by San Diegans for Open Governments challenging the legality
of $17.4 million in bonds issued by the City to raise money to pay for the new
parking structure proposed in the park.
As to
alternate parking solutions,
nationally-prominent San Diego architect Milford Wayne Donaldson, FAIA, who
worked with the City on many projects in Balboa Park before serving as
California's State Historic Preservation Officer, warned the City in July 2012 that
it should not approve the Plaza de Panama project because removal of "the
cars in the Plaza could be resolved in many ways not requiring alteration of
the [Cabrillo] Bridge..." Mr. Donaldson confirmed today that he
stands by his prior statements "regarding the needlessly devastating
impacts that this project would have to Balboa Park. The Municipal Code
protections should be honored and one of the many alternate solutions to remove
parking from the Plaza de Panama should be pursued. I stand ready to assist."
"A simple, fast, and light touch on the park is
eminently do-able, ensuring that the Plaza could be fully available for
Centennial celebrations, just as it has been for many events in the past,"
said SOHO Executive Director Bruce Coons. "The Plaza could be resurfaced
in a day if the City chose to do it, reclaiming the parking area for pedestrian
use and providing a managed traffic solution for the bridge traffic."
should the City Council do next?
Surely the answer is that it should proceed with an alternate, lawful solution
that can remove parking from the Plaza de Panama in plenty of time for the 2015
Centennial Celebration.
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