THE LUDWIG BLEND--Ludwig Von Beanhoven,
the musical genius, who revolutionized music for mankind in the 18th
century, was also a card carrying coffee fanatic. To this day, urban legend has it Beanhoven
would grind exactly 60 coffee beans per cup.
thought crossed our minds what if the esteemed maestro would have used 80 or
100 beans per six ounces of water?
that have speeded him up and instead of only 9 major symphonies, perhaps we’d
have Beanhoven’s Symphony’s number 10, 11 and maybe 12? Whom knows?
at our Pillar to Post blog kitchen
laboratory we took 60 beans of Arabica coffee similar to what was found in
Europe “back then.” After grinding the
beans we poured over six ounces of hot water and voila. It tasted really great.
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