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Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Editor's note: The following refers to an effective community service video by Puget Sound Energy.  It is creative and its message is unforgettable.

For whatever reason you are now sitting behind your car’s steering wheel with a deployed airbag pushing against your chest, what you do next is important because seconds earlier you smashed into a power pole.  Glancing outside you see lines from the pole have landed on the hood of your car.  Are those harmless telephone lines or raw electricity conducting lines?

First reaction is to get the hell out of Dodge City.

Well, according to the Puget Sound Energy Company that could be a fatal decision.  Here’s why.   If the power lines on your hood are live and you’re still alive that means you’re not conducting electricity.  But as soon as your hand touches any part of the car and one of your feet touches the ground you automatically become a living jumper cable.  Chances are not good you will survive your attempt to escape the accident scene.

Let’s back up.

If you have your cellphone with you (the same one you were texting on just before you hit the pole) call 9-1-1 instead of exiting your car.  Tell the emergency operators to send help.  Stay there until emergency crews arrive.

But in the meantime if your car is on fire, the next biggest decision in your life is going to occur.  To survive your situation (burn to death or die by electrocution) you must exit by jumping from your car with and landing with both feet together.


The ground around the accident scene is probably electrically charged thanks to broken lines falling on the ground around you.  If you land with both feet apart then you become the human battery cable we mentioned earlier.   If you land with feet together your body does not become a conductor.

Because your car is now on fire, you have to move 35 feet away from the flames by shuffling your feet (do not allow your feet to spread apart as you shuffle away).

Once you’ve shuffled away and realize you are now standing in oncoming traffic—you might try shuffling a bit faster.

To view a well-done video on what we’ve just discussed go to the following link:

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