More than ever--now is the time for the media in the United States to step forward with a renewed vigor and vigilance to seek, publish, defend and champion the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Fourth Estate is blessed with the First Amendment. Use that amazing protection to embrace its
founding principles of a Free Press to uncover the truth no matter where the
truth may exist.
to do so will destroy what credibility the American people have in legitimate
media. And, how will that ebbing
distrust of the media and eventual destruction make America great?
is demanded of the media to report the truth.
now more than ever it is time for free thinking individuals in our nation to
accept the truth when presented to them with unalienable evidence.
the truth will keep us free.
* An editorial by
the staff of in its weekly Media Monday column. Members of the National Press Club and the
San Diego Press Club.
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