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Monday, July 8, 2013


Fred Hayes              CNN
It was only a matter of time before the Zapruder-like images of Saturday’s 777 crash in San Francisco would surface revealing the real time crash and the jumbo’s “almost” cartwheel on the runway.  In case you missed it here’s CNN online showing eyewitness Fred Hayes' video of Saturday’s 777 crash.    

Note that the real video made the earlier CNN animation of the crash instantly obsolete, as the animation didn’t show the plane rising into the air and slamming back to earth.

Fred Hayes, a tourist from Los Angeles, later went on CNN to explain how he captured the remarkable footage of the 777 crash.

777 UPDATE.  Latest animation showing Asiana jet rising up then slamming to earth.

One can always count on the national media to publish meaningful think pieces over our Independence Day weekend.  This year was no different.  Here’s a good one from last week: Nobel Prize winning economist Dr. Paul Krugman is a nationally syndicated columnist with the International Herald Tribune.  For his take on where we stand as a nation in 2013 vs. 1976 go to:

Here is a sample:  “...Of course, our democratic ideal has always been accompanied by enormous hypocrisy, starting with the many founding fathers who espoused the rights of man, then went back to enjoying the fruits of slave labor. Today’s America is a place where everyone claims to support equality of opportunity, yet we are, objectively, the most class-ridden nation in the Western world — the country where children of the wealthy are most likely to inherit their parents’ status. It’s also a place where everyone celebrates the right to vote,yet many politicians work hard to disenfranchise the poor and nonwhite.

“But that very hypocrisy is, in a way, a good sign. The wealthy may defend their privileges, but given the temper of America, they have to pretend that they’re doing no such thing. The block-the-vote people know what they’re doing, but they also know that they mustn’t say it in so many words. In effect, both groups know that the nation will view them as un-American unless they pay at least lip service to democratic ideals — and in that fact lies the hope of redemption...”

Doug Porter at San Diego Free Press penned recently of the birth of a new community media outlet named KNSJ/89.1.  The FM station’s call letters, says Porter, reflect its mission: Networking for Social Justice.  Stay tuned.

Hardback edition of San Diegan Caitlin Rother’s new true crime book, “I’ll Take Care of You,” is set for release in January.  BUT, a discount is available at for anyone wishing to pre-order.

Time Magazine’s Brad Tuttle asks is too much of good thing bad when it comes to the nation’s new craving for craft beer.  Time says in 1970 there were only 44 brewing companies in the U.S.  Now, the tally is about 2,500 with 400 added in 2012. Read more:

If you have the bucks you can put your political idealogy to work by letting your cash do the heavy lifting instead of marching the ramparts and dodging the tear gas.  The New Yorker article [address below] is interesting reading RE: big time billionaire self-interest at work.

[1.] The annual Orchids and Onions competition is always good copy for the local media.
Sponsoring San Diego Architectural Foundation says deadline for this year’s contest is August 1.

[2.] SPJ will honor TV anchor and blogger Loren Nancarrow as 2013 San Diego Journalist of the Year, along with all contest winners, at the SPJ Annual Awards Banquet, set for Thursday, Jul. 11 at the Bali Hai.

[3.] August 12 is the deadline to enter San Diego Press Club’s 40th annual Excellence in Journalism awards.  Awards program is set for October 29, 2013.  www.

Ex-reporter and marketing exec, Roger Conlee is continuing to get solid reviews for “Fog and Darkness” [Pale Horse Press], his newest and fifth war novel based on WWII action from sea to shining sea.  Hit your favorite local bookstore for a copy or, online to order to catch a preview chapter.

Kelly Bennett put in seven years as a respected reporter for the Voice of San Diego, the online daily, but this week she announced her retirement.    That’s a long time in this town.  Reason for leaving?  In a final blog item she offered: “I plan to be based mostly in San Diego but to spend portions of the next several months traveling, playing music and pursuing a few stories that have been percolating for a couple of years,” Bennett said and gave her Twitter address: @KellyRBennett.

At the age of twelve, Ben Franklin first began to learn the business of printing the truth. His older brother James had set up a printing office in Boston and Ben learned quickly as an apprentice. By the time Ben was seventeen, he was a fully skilled printer able to work in any print shop. With this skill, Ben was able to leave Boston and find work in both Philadelphia and London. In 1728, at the age of twenty-two, Ben opened his own printing office in Philadelphia.

His most famous publications were a newspaper called The Pennsylvania Gazette and his annual Poor Richard's Almanack. He had many new ideas for publishing and he is known for printing cartoons, illustrated news stories, and letters to the editor. He believed in the power of the press, using his printing press as a way to bring the news to all people. He used cartoons and pictures so that everyone could understand the news, even people who had not learned to read. Ben also used
Poor Richard's Almanack to express his sense of humor.

In 1731, Ben founded America's first circulating library so that people could borrow books to read even though they might not have been able to afford to buy books to read. Again, Ben wanted to use his printing press to help people understand the world around them.

Source: Franklin Institute,

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