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Saturday, July 27, 2013


On Saturday, Karl Strauss debuts new tasting room and beer garden (near Balboa and I-5).
Image courtesy of

Mike Hess Brewery on
Grim Street in North Park
Opens August 9

SUDZ NEWS:  Mike Hess Brewing on Grim Street in North Park is holding its much anticipated grand opening on August 9.  You’re going to need someone on the inside to secure entry to any of the grand opening events as they will sell out faster than we can type this memo. And, yes that new tank you see on the North Park skyline is Hess Brewery’s silo used to store grain.  Somebody slap a North Park name on that tank>>>News hounds start your noses twitching because there’s another nationally known craft beer brewery looking to open up shop in North Park.  As to whom, our lips are sealed to the frozen light post on this item because the lease ain’t signed.  Anybody got a pen?

CHOW LINES—The Baja Club sandwich at Subterreanean coffee house on 30th near North Park Way is very tasty, $6>>>Best weekend menudo is at Sombrero’s on Fern in South Park, but the best posole (our humble opinion) is at El Comal on Illinois, near University.  Best carnitas cuisine is at Carnitas Snack Shack on University.  Best carne asada burrito on the planet remains at Saguaro’s on 30th & Capps.  If you think we’re working on tequila fried brain cells go find your best carne asada burrito and do a side-by-side tasting with North Park’s champion Saguaro’s. Let's face it, North Park Mex is the best.

OTHER STUFF: The foodie media is abuzz with anticipation of downtown’s Lion’s Share restaurant to take over Jay Porter’s now closed Hubcap eatery and bar on 30th Street>>> Also, Ritual Tavern has changed its name to Ritual Kitchen and Garden. >>>Belching Beaver Brewery tasting room (4223 30th Street) reduces pints by a buck Wed. thru Fri. from 3 to 6 pm.>>> City Beat’s website has posted a discount coupon for the new EndZone sportsbar on University, near Utah Sts: ten gets you $20.>>>Save the date for 30th on 30th as Sea Rocket will be offering a gluten free menu to go with tasty pairings with a tasting of craft beer from New Planet Brewery, Boulder CO.


--Del Mar Racetrack Beer Fest, 1 pm at the track’s seaside cabana and concert venue (just west of the main grandstand).  No charge to enter the beer fest or the after races concert because your track entry ticket of $6 will do the job.  There is a charge for the tasting once you get in.  More than 100 different craft beers will be offered.

--Karl Strauss Brewing Co.’s HQ tasting room and beer garden(finally) is opening to the public this weekend, 5985 Santa Fe Street.  Noon to 9 pm on Sat. and Noon to 5 pm on Sun.  Hours vary.  Info:
--The hippest intersection in North Park may just be 32nd & Thorn.  There’s always something cool happening there.  Cue Saturday’s Alex’s Lemonade Stand/Grand Stand to fight Childhood Cancer from 10 am to 6 pm.  DJs; Miller Tribe; silent auction; Star Wars characters; and local bands.  That’s 32nd and Thorn.  Not too far from Thornton Brewery and RIPE Deli, Santos Coffee just to name a few.

--Brew Rendezvous Beer Fest is set for 1 pm thru 4 pm at the Handlery Hotel, Mission Valley.  $45 general admission; $25 designated driver admission; $60 per person VIP reception (Noon to 1 pm).  Details: San Diego Weekly Markets, Suzie’s Farm and North Park favorites Urban Solace and Carnitas Snack Shack are just a few of the participants in Brew Rendezvous this Sunday (July 28th from 1 - 4pm), a fundraiser for Community Health Improvement Partners’ efforts to tackle childhood obesity through the development of a healthy, sustainable, regional food system.

Taste delicious local beers from top producers including North Park’s own Thorn Street Brewery and Hess Brewing.  Discounted tickets are available for designated drivers, so everyone can come on out to enjoy some amazing farm fresh food and support a great cause. See you on Sunday! 


The VIP Hour includes special beer and menu tastings and an appearance from "Dr." Bill Sysak, Stone Brewery's Craft Beer Ambassador and Certified Cicerone. "Dr." Bill Sysak will be available to share beer expertise and answer beer pairing questions.

OUCH--Drive safe this weekend and look before you open the door of your big ass Corvette door as you park on 30th because a bicycle rider just might not see it in time.  True story from 30th & Capps on 7/24 at 6:45 pm.

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