SIX SHOOTERS--Sometimes the professional relationship between magazine photographers and writers is like watching two grown men trying to teach each other the tango.
Overall, the photographer and the writer are the middlemen between the homeowners, whose home is being photographed and the editor and art director. Writers try to please editors and photographers in turn try to please art directors. The tango then becomes a square dance.
The following San Diego photographers are ultimate pros. I’ve learned to step aside and let them do their work. I don’t have a favorite here. Given the photographer and the architect involved, the following are among the most satisfying assignments I’ve participated in.
The purpose here is to have you visit each phototographer’s website to view their extraordinary work.
“Bond House Revived in San Diego,” Architect: Richard Neutra, Cover story of Modernism Magazine, Winter 2003-4; Photography: Gary Payne www.garypaynephoto.com
“El Pueblo Ribero,” Architect: Rudolf Schindler, San Diego Magazine, August, 2006; Photography: Gary Payne.
“From the Heart: North Park Bungalows,” Master builder: David Owen Dryden, American Bungalow Magazine, Spring 2005; Photography: Alexander Vertikoff www.Vertikoff.com
“Lost and Found Modernism,” Architect: Craig Ellwood, San Diego Magazine’s At Home, Winter 2005; Photography James Brady www.bradyarchitecturalphotography.com
“Requa Chronicler,” Architect Richard Requa, Old House Interiors, Dec. 2008; Photography; Gary Payne.
“Attention to Detail, Lodge at Torrey Pines Debut: Vision of Hotelier William Evans,” San Diego Magazine, June, 2002; Photographer John Durant www.johndurant.com
Upcoming: “Atoll House Remodel,” Architect Ken Kellogg, San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles, January 2012; Photography Martin Mann www.MartinMann.com
Upcoming: “Centre Street Lofts,” Architect: Lloyd Russell, San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles, February, 2012; Photography: David Harrison www.Harrisonphoto.com
Top: “Essensia,” Hillside Drive, La Jolla as an example of residential photography by Gary Payne, www.garypaynephoto.com
Middle: “Chavez Residence,” John Mock, architect, photograph by David Harrison from “Mid Century Magic,” November, 2011 San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles. Click SDHGL advertisement on this blog to view the article.
Lower: Black and White by James Brady, Brady Architectural Photography.
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