RARE ORNAMENTS--A friend of this blog, Della Creelman, is a professional at organizing and putting on estate sales. I always thought estate sales and garage sales were close cousins. Della quickly chided me that estate sales are more like roving antique stores and are usually held in a home. In-the-know collectors recognize that quality estate sales offer an opportunity to snag beautiful and rare treasures, without having to shift through old
toasters and used baby furniture.
Della’s latest Estate Sale is today and tomorrow in one of Point Loma’s most beautiful homes, rain or shine. The two-day event is themed around a dazzling array of collector quality Christmas ornaments, including 150+ items by the internationally known Christopher Radko Company. These highly-prized Radko glass art pieces are from the home of a couple who collected for more than 40 years from the nation’s most elegant stores.
Radko ornaments have decorated the White House, adorned the Kennedy Center, and are included in the personal collections of Elton John, Oprah Winfrey, John Travolta, Robert DeNiro and Elizabeth Taylor. Sounds like company worth keeping.
Estate Sale Location: 3215 Tennyson Street, Point Loma neighborhood of San Diego, CA 92106.
Hours: Today and Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm.
For those wishing to keep up on estate sales in town a good website is www.estatesales.net
Images of Radko ornaments by Della Creelman, proprietor, Legacyestateliquidation, LLC
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