Editor’s Note:
The following is a CNN report remarking how an NBC reporter was verbally
accosted by the fool in the White House.
GUEST BLOG / By CNN Business--In an extraordinary exchange
on Friday, President Donald Trump viciously attacked an NBC News reporter who
asked what his message would be to Americans who are frightened by the
coronavirus pandemic that is spreading across the country.
exchange, which occurred at the White House's daily coronavirus task force
briefing, began when NBC News reporter Peter Alexander asked Trump whether he
was giving Americans "false hope" by touting unproven coronavirus
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NBC Reporter Peter Alexander at Today's White House press conference |
asked, "What do you say to Americans who are scared?"
shaking his head, ripped into Alexander in response.
say that you are a terrible reporter," Trump replied. "That's what I
President proceeded to launch into an extended rant against Alexander, saying
he asked a "nasty question" and assailing NBC and its parent company,
doing sensationalism," Trump charged. "And the same with NBC and
Comcast. I don't call it Comcast. I call it 'Con-Cast.'"
me just tell you something," Trump added. "That's really bad
reporting. And you ought to get back to reporting instead of
later, Kaitlan Collins, a White House correspondent for CNN, asked Trump if it
was appropriate to embark on tirades against members of the news media during a
public health crisis.
see yourself as a wartime President right now, leading the country through a
pandemic that we are experiencing," Collins noted. "Do you think
going off on Peter, going off on a network is appropriate when the country is
going through something like this?"
defended his verbal assault on Alexander, saying he's "not a good
journalist" and launching into another rant against him.
together is much harder when we have dishonest journalists," Trump said.
said in a statement that he was "trying to provide the president an
opportunity to reassure the millions of Americans, members of my own family and
my neighbors and my community and plenty of people sitting at home, this was
his opportunity to do that, to provide a positive or uplifting message.
Instead, you saw the president's answer to that question right now."
bottom line is, this is a president whose experiences in life are very
different than most Americans across this country right now," Alexander
said. "Not a person who likely worries about finances or had, not a person
who in the course of his life is worried about his future, not a person who is
worried about where to find a paycheck for his bills or for his rent and as
evidenced by the president suggesting that an opportunity to provide for
American some reassurance about how they should feel right now, the president
instead took it out on me."
NBC News colleague and host of "Meet the Press" weighed on the
matter, praising him for his "professionalism."
wish people on the on the other side of the podium had the same professionalism
as well, so thank you, Peter," Todd said.
striking a somber tone earlier in the week, Trump in recent days has returned
to his usual attacks against the press.
Thursday's coronavirus press briefing, Trump smeared The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post.
very dishonest," Trump claimed.
then praised a far-right media outlet, saying it is "very good" and
noting, "They treat me very nicely."
right-wing personality from that media outlet falsely said major newsrooms had
"teamed up" with the Chinese Communist Party to attack Trump.
person then asked, "Is it alarming that major media players that just
oppose you are consistently siding with foreign state propaganda, Islamic
radicals and Latin gangs and cartels?"
of rebuking the right-wing personality for the question, Trump on Thursday
boasted that he had canceled the White House's subscriptions to the country's
major newspapers.
amazes me when I read the things that I read," Trump said Thursday.
"It amazes me when I read The Wall
Street Journal which is so negative and The New York Times, I barely read it. We don't distribute it in the
White House, and the same with The
Washington Post.
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