WOW MOMENT--Alicia Olatuja is her name. She’s the 30-year-old soloist, who along with
the Brooklyn (NY) Tabernacle Choir, sang the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and
by doing so brought the first “wow” musical moment to the President’s
Inauguration ceremony and a tear to Mr. Obama's eye.

Alicia Olatuja and the Brooklyn
Tabernacle Choir rocked the house. Has
there been a better sung rendition of Julia Ward Howe’s 1861 masterpiece? If so, it will most likely be performed some
time in the future. Until then we have the BTC and Alicia Olatuja.
For the best quality rendition of
Alicia’s solo go to C-span’s total inauguration coverage. The Battle Hymn begins at the 20 minute
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