REMARKABLE COUPLE--By Thomas Shess--The nostalgia is instant. A first glance at one of Larry Booth’s now
classic photographs easily rekindles memories of what San Diego was like in the
first decades after World War II. Booth
up until his death in 2003 was the most recognized photo archivist in San Diego
yet his personal photographic work went virtually unnoticed.
Booth’s personal drive to save millions of images of San Diego history since the
1870s is just one of his enduring legacies.
Pioneering the science to preserve antique images is another milepost
for this tireless historian.
husband was driven to record many aspects of San Diego County from the
perspective of a historian as well as a photographer,” said the late Jane
Booth, who was married to Booth for more than 60 years. “Larry wanted his images to be roadmaps for
future generations,” she said.
“Larry Booth’s work taken as whole really
captures the diversity and extent of San Diego’s landscape. His images document
the decade of the 1950s with a brilliant and understated clarity that makes you
want climb into the photographs and walk through that slightly familiar, yet
strange place that was San Diego in the 1950s.”
Williams, Past Curator of Photography, San Diego Historical Society, now called
the San Diego History Center.
Booth was hired after World War II by the now defunct Union Title Insurance
Company to take photographs for the company magazine and to oversee the
formidable collection the company had acquired.
At mid-century Union Title possessed the largest collection of San Diego
photo images dating back to 1870. From
the late 1940s on, Larry and Jane worked hard to preserve many of these
historic images from decay.
the Booths were instrumental in arranging the transfer the Union Title Photo
Collection to the San Diego Historical Society.
Thanks to Larry and Jane Booth the collection today has grown to more
than 2.5 million images. About 10,000 of those were photographed by Larry
Booth, according to Greg Williams, Curator of Photography at the San Diego
Historical Society.
of the 10,000 are remarkable. Booth’s
scenic images of San Diego in the 1950s and 1960s will forever document our
town—yet to the general public they have been relatively undiscovered. “While,
I don’t believe Larry had any shows of his work, his work is present in nearly
every San Diego Historical Society exhibition…both his photographic work and
his preservation work,” said Williams, who is no longer with SDHS.
1994, The Booth Historical Archives were named in honor of Larry and Jane Booth
for their dedication in preserving and enhancing the collection.
early assignment was to provide photographs for Union Title’s in-house magazine
called Title Trust Topics. The mantra of the publication was to show the
diversity of the San Diego area. So many
of Booth’s mid-century images portray the County’s strong points: climate,
beaches, mountains, desert and industry from fishing to agriculture.
makes a Larry Booth photograph special, according to Jane is the fact he was
able to always find an interesting perspective.
“He sought out higher vantage points to take his photographs,” said
Jane. “He felt it was his duty to take the viewer where they—the average
citizen—couldn’t readily access. He’d
knock on office doors and ask if he could stick his head out of a window to
photograph a passing Presidential motorcade.
Or, he’d climb on top of a building, or shoot from an airplane.”
endearing quality that his wife still fondly recalls was his willingness to
include his family on his travels around the county. “We’d travel the back county in our old
Pontiac with our daughter Jeanie in the back seat. He used a speed graphic 4x5 camera and he
needed a lot of equipment and guess who carried it for him?.”
only place Jane found it difficult to work with him was in the dark room. “He
was a tall man, but being so much shorter my nose was closer to the trays full
of chemicals. I just couldn’t stand the smell.”
asked if Larry or Jane had a favorite photograph, she said that was a difficult
question to answer. “We’ve been married 63 years, she said in 2005 still
referring to their life together in the present tense, “and in that time I
can’t say either one of us had a favorite photograph. I guess I’d have to say
he loved all of them.”
said she was very grateful to Greg Williams, a former photo curator and his
staff for putting together a dramatic slide show of Larry’s photographic
work. “When it was shown at the funeral
services for Larry I missed it because I was with so many kind people, who were
hugging me. Recently I sat down and looked at the photo presentation and for
the first time I was able to see the images other people thought were special.
He was a wonderful man, a true historian, a remarkable husband and father. I so ache for him.”
UPDATE FROM THE LOS ANGELES TIMES, March 2003: "...Larry Booth, 82, former curator of photographs for the San Diego Historical Society, who built and preserved one of the best collections of local history photographs in the nation, died of cancer Jan. 20 at his home in San Diego. Booth recognized the need for preserving historical photos in the 1950s as a photographer and photo historian for what later became known as the Title Insurance & Trust Co."
Jane Booth died in 2008, but there is a wonderful remembrance of her on YouTube:
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