QUAFF MEETING TONIGHT--San Diego is home to a huge craft beer making trend. Beer lovers locally are opening breweries right and left to fashion more creative tasting beer. Also, individuals are “homebrewing” on a larger scale as well.
Last week, the American Homebrewers Assn., the leading national organization of beer clubs and individuals held its annual convention and competition in Seattle.
One San Diegan, a North Park resident, Kelsey McNair won a gold medal in category 14 for India Pale Ale (IPA). McNair, who runs his one-man brewery, North Park Beer Co., entered as a member of San Diego’s leading beer club: Quality Ale and Fermentation Fraternity or QUAFF.
McNair’s IPA beat out 553 other entries from across the country for his Gold Medal.
Tasty stuff this trend.
QUAFF has been around since 1989 and currently boasts 180 members. These men and women, who are dedicated to the enjoyment and promotion of homebrewing and beer evaluation in Greater San Diego, meet the 4th Tuesday of each month (except December).
TONIGHT’S meeting will probably be more festive than usual as they no doubt will toast Kelsey McNair’s Gold Medal winning IPA. The meeting will be held at Randy Jones All American Sports Grill, 7510 Hazard Center Dr. #215, San Diego CA 92018. The meetings start at 7 p.m. and run until approximately 9:30 pm. (Most people arrive around 6 pm.)
You can meet the members, find out about recent pub-crawls or adventures and homebrew competitions. You will also get to enjoy the monthly presentation, an informative talk about a brewing process, technique or style of beer. Last, but certainly not least, you’ll also get to share and enjoy some of the members’ recent brews.
To find out more about QUAFF, please check out their web site, www.quaff.org, where you can learn about past as well as upcoming club events. The website features a photo gallery, archived speaker’s presentations, a recipe database and calculator, brewpub and brewery database, a calendar of events and archived newsletters.
Opinions expressed in this blog are strictly those of this daily blog.
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