San Diego is fortunate to have several grassroots news outlets operating online via donations from the public. Today, features inewsource and hopes readers will support the nonpartisan newsroom. Inewsource is dedicated to improving lives in the San Diego region and beyond through impactful, data-based investigative and accountability journalism.
From inewsource: At inewsource, we’re not caught up in the 24-hour news cycle. Our reporters won’t yell “breaking news,” unless we really, really mean it. If you take the time to read our reporting, you believe — like we do — that the era of unrelenting breaking news is broken.
You can fix the news with us.
We practice investigative journalism, the kind of reporting that digs past the obvious and gives context to what’s happening around us. That takes time. You deserve deep reporting that allows you to make informed decisions about how to spend your money and cast your vote. A lot of media — especially on the national stage — offers the opposite. Daily news outlets are under pressure to increase content while struggling under budget crunches and staffing shortages. Meanwhile, the public is increasingly under assault from politically driven opinion masquerading as actual journalism.
Here’s where we — and you — come in. The best way we know to repair this broken system is to give reporters the resources — and the time — they need to report stories that will inform and improve this region.
Consider our story last month – that took months to investigate – about failings in the veterans health care system. A U.S. senator read from it as he grilled the VA secretary for answers and insisted on change during a congressional hearing. That is the kind of impact we strive to achieve for our communities.
To keep this public service work going, we rely on readers who become donors. That’s why we’re asking you to give to inewsource today. Your donation is a true investment: research shows that there are hundreds of dollars of benefit to society for each dollar spent on investigative news stories. As an extra incentive, a group of board members are matching all donations this month.
They’ve pledged up to $250,000 to match donations dollar-for-dollar until December 31. Help us fix the news.
P.S. You might not think that what you can give will make a dent. Rest assured, the cost of one fancy coffee a month from everyone who reads our stories would hit our goal. Join us in fixing the news! DONATE. Click here.
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