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Thursday, June 18, 2015


Cathedral of St. Clare of Assisi built in 1940.
When the current regime banned organized religion in the country after the 1959 Revolution, churches Should Have experienced the same rate of deferred maintenance egalitarian as other buildings.

To the new government's credit it did not stop its citizens (or the clergy) from volunteering to maintain churches under the guise of repairing historic sites.

Today, as Cuba and the Vatican are drawing closer, many of the major basilica's in the nation are in a good state of repair-thanks to the remarkable Cuban people and blind eye (on purpose) of the government.

Trinidad’s Iglesia Parroquial de la Santísima Trinidad (Church of the Holy Trinity) is located on the main square.  The church was completed in 1892.  It was built on the site of a 17th century church that was destroyed by a hurricane.  Photo: Michael Shess
Cathedral de la Purisma Concepción in Cienfuego’s main square 
was built between 1833-59. Photo: Michael Shess
La Catedral de la Virgen María de la Concepción Inmaculada de La Habana, Plaza de la Catedral, Old Havana, is one of 11 Roman Catholic cathedrals in Cuba.  Completed in 1777, it is still in use. 
Photo: Phyllis Shess
The basilica and monastery of San Francisco de Asis, pictured here in Plaza San Francisco, were built by the Franciscan order in Havana Between 1580-1591.  Today, the structure is a concert venue.   Photo: Michael Shess

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