Quimbumbia is an odd
looking word and an even more unusual sport in Cuba (or anywhere). While our Gate 1 travel group visited a
senior citizen center in Santa Clara, Cuba, a very friendly member of the
senior recreation center (Allegria de Vivir) asked if I would like to assist
him demonstrate Quimbumbia to our group.
The game looked simple enough. Akin to many sports, the object is to hit the
ball with a bat. In the case of
Quimbumbia the (quim) fat-in-the-middle cigar shaped ball (4-inches long) is
carved from a piece of wood and the bat resembles an 18-inch mop handle. Strike the beveled edge of the quim, which
makes it pop up into the air. While
airborne, take a swing at it with the bat.
If you are skilled enough to hit it you next measure the distance using
the length of the bat (end over end) as the measuring stick. Person or team, who hit the wood cigar the
farthest wins.
Our hosts asked me to step up to
the “plate” and try my hand at Quimbumbia.
After missing several swings I finally knocked the ball across the patio
thus winning the days competition. As
Quimbumbia champion of our group, I felt it only proper to announce “free
mojitos for the day.”
The seniors we visited at the
recreation center in Santa Clara were extremely warm. Their exuberance and friendly smiles made us
feel welcome by greeting us at the door with music and songs. Inside, they also demonstrated many Cuban
dances and demonstrated the centuries old mysteries of the hand fan.
For generations hand fans used by
Cuban women had multiple purposes. The
obvious one was to fan away the tropical heat, but the fan also played a very
important role in the Cuban courtship customs.
The Santa Clara seniors demonstrated the many nuances of fan
language. By correctly reading the fan,
a young swain could assess his chances with the young women in his town.
Peering over the top of the fan
accompanies with coy batting of eyelashes was meant to encourage a suitor. If she disapproved she would strike a closed
fan on her wrist or hand. Back in the
day, it was not proper for a woman to express interest in a man verbally, but
her dexterity with the fan meant she could say what was in her heart without
the chaperones hearing a word.
So, there you have it. In one stop at a senior recreation center we
learned a new sport and more about the birds and the bees.
It was a good day for Cuban-USA
on Quimbumbia:
The game is played by tapping one
end of the Quimbumbia with the broomstick so that it would fly straight up in
the air, and one in the air it was to be hit the same way one would hit a
baseball. If you missed it or fouled it
you were out.
No pitcher is needed for a game of
Quimbumbia. To determine doubles,
triples or home runs lines were marked some distance from the “home
plate.” Fielders can get as close to the
batter as they feel safe in order to stop the forward progress of the quim. Where the quim is stopped is the point where
distances are measured.
A game is an agreed upon distance
as a goal. Say first team to 100 wins.
You can have as many players as you
wish on a team.
Once the goal is met then the
heavens explode with fireworks, dancing and general merriment fueled by rum and
good music.
Secret language of the Cuban (Spanish)
The hand fan in Cuba and Spain,
where it orginated is called an abanico.
History shows the hand fan reached heights of popularity in 19th
century Europe. Using a fan was a sign
of good taste and upbringing. Fans were
made from cheap to highly ornate.
At great expense, Pillar to Post has investigated the
secret language of the abanico. Here’s
our report:
--Open fan over the bodice showing
the design "Yes"
--Open fan over the bodice
showing the back "No"
--Open fan covering one of the
cheeks "I like you"
--Wave fan exuberantly: "I
really like you"
--Wave fan slowly: "Buzz
--Open fan covering your nose
"Let’s hook up soon.”
--Open fan covering your chin
"Let’s chat first."
--Closed fan near the heart: “I
love you”
--Open fan placed over lips:
“Kiss me, you fool”
--Close fan waving; "I am
thinking about it"
--Hit a closed against wrist,
forearm or hand "Leave me alone"
--Open and close the fan: “I am
--Open fan waving energetically
on one side "Don´t come now, other people around"
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